This is a great recipe to use when you're short on time but don't want to deprive your family of that famous Jewish fruit-filled cookie around Purim time....
The dough for these cookies is what makes them exceptional. I always quadruple this recipe for the holidays. Most popular fillings are peach, apricot,...
Growing up for some reason we referred to these as 'Oh Henry Squares'. I've no idea why, but I have not served them without people requesting the recipe...
Australia's famous Lamingtons are squares of sponge cake that are first dipped in chocolate glaze and then in coconut. This cookie version's inside is...
This was the recipe for date pie that my great grandmother from Syria used to make. I call them 'Date Brownies' because I cut them in squares. I'm never...
A variation on the classic chocolate chip recipe, these cookies have bittersweet chocolate chips and pieces of soft-cut peppermint candy added to them,...
I created this recipe for my father on his birthday. It contains lots of different chocolates and nuts. Thanks Dad for sending me to cookie baking school...